
Kaledescape kplayer 300
Kaledescape kplayer 300

kaledescape kplayer 300 kaledescape kplayer 300

A larger Integrated Disc Vault solution is tentatively scheduled for June 2011 and will hold 300 discs and connect to the Kaleidescape network via Ethernet, making it more of a scalable, standalone device. This vault will be $1,500 or $3,995 bundled with an M300. A Modular Disc Vault scheduled for Q4 of this year will hold 100 Blu-ray Discs and must be connected to an M500 or M300 Player via USB. These add a lot of expense to an already expensive solution but also restore all the convenience lost with Blu-ray storage at this point. The next two components on the Kaleidescape road map are Blu-ray Disc vaults. That somewhere is where things will get interesting. With this system, you have to own the Blu-ray Discs you import, and you have to load the disc into the network somewhere to prove it. However, the Blu-ray solution is in compliance with Blu-ray’s AACS copy-protection scheme and clearly seems intended to discourage anyone who’s thinking of renting and ripping their way to a huge Blu-ray Disc library. Kaleidescape contends that its customers have a fair-use right to make copies of DVDs or CDs that they own a copy of, and so far, Kaleidescape is still in business building and selling its systems. Without digging too deep into this area, the DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA) has been tied up in the courts with Kaleidescape for years over its DVD importing capabilities.

Kaledescape kplayer 300